At Infinity Church, we want to engage with your whole family! Find out about all our ministries below!

Kid's Ministry
At Infinity, we believe discipleship is a lifelong process which begins from birth and continues through the rest of life. We believe kid's ministry is important because it sets the foundation for growing as a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ.
We have opportunities each week for children to grow in their knowledge of God through worshipping Him and learning more from His Word.
KIDfinity Worship - 9:30am
KIDfinity U - 10:30am​
Student Ministry
Our teenage years are a critical time in our lives. We are still developing mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Along with that, we are expected to make huge decisions for our lives. There are high expectations for teenagers, and it can be overwhelming.
In our Youth Ministry, our mission is to disciple students in this critical time in their lives and help them follow Jesus, obey His Word, and live for Him no matter where they go. If you or your teenager does not have a place to call home, we would love for you to join us!
Bible Study - 9:30am
​Youth - 4pm

Adult Ministry
We know life can bring all kinds of challenges and opportunities our way. No matter the season of life you’re in, we know we all need one another and we need the Lord! Our various ministries for adults aim to engage us and help us connect with Christ and our Christian brothers and sisters. In addition to our 10:30am Sunday morning worship service, we encourage you to get plugged into a 9:30am Sunday morning Bible study and a smaller discipleship group during the week!
Jesus’s final commission to his closest followers was to “Go therefore and make disciples…” A disciple is more than a convert. A disciple is someone who is following Jesus and growing to know him and love him more and more. A disciple treasures Christ, and the more a disciple treasures him, the more he or she is conformed to the image of Christ.
And we can’t do that alone. We want to help one another mature in Christ! Come ask us how you can get connected to a discipleship group as we aim to Abide in Jesus Christ and make disciples together!

We see Christ’s call to love BOTH our neighbors and the nations as we Advance His kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit. We currently support missionaries sent out from Infinity who serve in Xilitla, Mexico. We also support mission work overseas in places like Ukraine, Mexico, Guatemala, and Cuba. Through our partnership with the Greenville Baptist Association we support missions in New England and the Asia/Pacific Rim. And through our connection with the SBC, IMB missionaries are serving all around the world.
Locally, we aim to love our neighbors through ministries like the HUB—where we support our local schools, teachers, and students—supporting our first responders, the Fountain Inn Feast For All, the Christmas Shop, and numerous other opportunities for outreach.
We pray that we would be ambassadors for Christ near and far to His glory!